Ceneo.pl sp. z o.o. filed a lawsuit against Google
Current report No. 26/2024
Title: Ceneo.pl sp. z o.o. filed a lawsuit against Google
Legal basis: Article 17 of MAR - inside information
The Board of Directors of Allegro.eu SA (the "Company”) hereby informs that on 23 December, 2024 its wholly owned indirect subsidiary, Ceneo.pl Sp. o.o. ("Ceneo"), that operates a leading Polish comparison shopping service has filed a civil lawsuit for damages against Google Ireland Limited, Alphabet Inc., and Google LLC (collectively, "Google") in the District Court in Warsaw.
Ceneo is seeking damages for losses it claims to have incurred due to Google's anti-competitive practice of self-preferencing its own comparison shopping service in Google search results, which Ceneo claims has been detrimental to its business. The lawsuit is related to the decision of the European Commission of 26.07.2017 (Case AT.39740 – Google Search (Shopping)), which was finally and irrevocably confirmed by the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union of 10.09.2024 (C-48/22 P).
Ceneo is claiming approximately PLN 2.331 billion, which consists of losses incurred by Ceneo (approx. PLN 1.716 billion) and capitalized statutory interest for the period from 2013 until 29 November 2024 (approx. PLN 615 million). Ceneo is also claiming statutory interest on the PLN 2.331 billion from the date of submission of the lawsuit until the date of payment.
This calculation of damages is based on the expert opinion of an independent firm of antitrust economists specialising in this type of dispute.
The Company has decided to publish this information in the form of a current report due to the value of the dispute. However, the Company cannot predict the outcome of the legal proceedings or their duration as they depend on the decisions of the courts, which may involve proceedings over many years.
The Company informs that this dispute relates only to the business conducted by Ceneo and in no way relates to the business conducted by other companies in its Group, including Allegro sp. z o.o.
Unless otherwise required by law, (i) the Company will provide updates on any material developments in the court proceedings in its annual and semi-annual reports; and (ii) the conclusion of the proceedings (or its particular stage) will be announced in a separate current report.
Allegro.eu is a Luxembourg public limited company (société anonyme), registered office: 1, rue Hildegard von Bingen, L-1282 Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Luxembourg Business Register: B214830